About Me

Hi! I am a research engineer at Center for Frontier AI Research (CFAR) at A*STAR Singapore in Dr. Cheston Tan’s Team working on exaplinable AI. I frequently collaborate with Dr. Basura Fernando and Prof. Gemma Roig.


I graduated from BITS Pilani with a B.Engg. in Computer Science and an (Integrated) M.Sc. in Biological Sciences in 2022. During my undergraduate degree, I worked on bioinformatics, formal language modeling, algorithms, and deep learning. The exploration spree ultimately settled on deep learning, where I am interested in black-box understanding and explainability to ameliorate biases and improve trustworthiness. Consequently, I spent a wonderful semester in Germany working with Prof. Gemma Roig and Prof. Radek Cichy on video reconstruction as a part of my thesis. At A*STAR, I am working on interpreting and benchmarking VLMs and LLMs.

For more details, refer to my CV.


  • May 2024: Our latest research on dissecting multimodality in VideoQA models has been accepted to ICML 2024. Vienna incoming! An abridged version was earlier accepted at NeurIPS 2023 XAI in Action Workshop.
  • Apr 2024: I will be joining the MS CS Program at Texas A&M University, College Station. Go Aggies! I’ll be in the internship market for Summer 2025. Reach me out if you have any ML/MLSys opportunities!
  • Aug 2023: Joined A*STAR’s Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & Informatics (AI3) initiative to lead the Embodied Social Intelligence Special Interest Group.
  • Jul 2023: Invited speaker at AAAI Summer Symposium: Embodied Intelligence. Topic: “Do Vision Language Models Understand Socio-Physical Interactions?”.
  • Oct 2022: Joined A*STAR as a research engineer.
  • Jul 2022: Graduated from BITS Pilani with distinction!


I am always interested to talk about research and collaborations! I can be reached out on Twitter/X or e-mail.